Publication Types:

Towards new online access services for the EMSO ERIC temperature and salinity data

6. Poster Papers and Abstracts
A. Novello, D. Lefevre, N. LoBue, I. Rodero, R. Bardaji, M. Cannat
EMSO Conference 2020, Athens, Greece
Publication year: 2020

Towards new online access services for the EMSO ERIC temperature and salinity data

6. Poster Papers and Abstracts
A. Novello, D. Lefevre, N. LoBue, I. Rodero, R. Bardaji, M. Cannat
EGU General Assembly, EGU2020-13466.
Publication year: 2020

DyNamo: Scalable Weather Workflow Processing in the Academic MultiCloud

6. Poster Papers and Abstracts
E. Lyons, M. Zink, A. Mandal, C. Wang, P. Ruth, C. Radhakrishnan, G. Papadimitriou, E. Deelman, K. Thareja, I. Rodero
100th American Meteorological Society Annual Meeting
Publication year: 2020

When seconds matter – Big Data real-time streaming analytics and machine learning for geoscience and hazards research

6. Poster Papers and Abstracts
C. Meertens, D. Mencin, S. Baker, K. Hodgkinson, S. Olds, D. Melgar, I. Rodero, A. Simonet, J.J. Villalobos, K. Tiampo
EarthCube Annual Meeting
Publication year: 2019

Optimizing Data Delivery for Large Scientific Cyberinfrastructures

6. Poster Papers and Abstracts
Y. Qin, A. Simonet, I. Rodero
NSF Large Facilities Workshop, Austin, TX
Publication year: 2019

MOODA, a comprehensive tool to analyze EMSO ERIC data

6. Poster Papers and Abstracts
R. Bardaji, J. Piera, R. Huber, I. Rodero, J.J. Dañobeitia, P. Favali
Geophysical Research Abstracts Vol. 21, EGU2019-13508, EGU General Assembly
Publication year: 2019

MOODA WaterFrame: an abstraction for enriched data harmonization and transport from data ingestion to data analytics

6. Poster Papers and Abstracts
R. Bardaji, J. Piera, I. Rodero, S. Diez, J. L. Ruiz, C. Rodero, P. Favali, J. Danobeitia
AGU Fall Meeting 2019
Publication year: 2019

EMSO, a Large-scale European Research Infrastructure Delivering Harmonized Environmental Marine Data through a Distributed Ocean Observation System

6. Poster Papers and Abstracts
J. Danobeitia, L. Beranzoli, A. Berry, J. Blandin, M. Cannat, D. Chavrit, L. Coppola, E. Delory, J. Del Rio, D. Embriaco, P. Favali, M. I. Fredella, A. Gates, S. Hartman, N. Lanteri, G. Magnifico, J. M. A. Miranda, G. Petihakis, J. Piera, V. Radulescu, I. Rodero, P. M. Sarradin
AGU Fall Meeting 2019
Publication year: 2019

EMSO ERIC Growth Strategy to Increase the Value of Existing European Ocean Observatories Optimizing Interrelated Scientific Resources and Benefits

6. Poster Papers and Abstracts
M. I. Fredella, P. Materia, L. Beranzoli, J. Blandin, M. Cannat, G. Magnifico, G. Petihakis, I. Rodero, H. Ruhl, J. Danobeitia
AGU Fall Meeting 2019
Publication year: 2019

Building multisite science services for the European Multidisciplinary SeaJoor and water column Observatory (EMSO) Research Infrastructure

6. Poster Papers and Abstracts
M. Cannat, A. Gates, D. Chavrit, N. Lo Bue, D. Lefevre, K. Pabortsava, E. Delory, D. M. Toma, P. Gaughan, S. Garziglia, L. Perivoliotis, R. Tutuianu, A. Colaço, L. Beranzoli, I. Rodero, J. Blandin, H. Ruhl, J. Danobeitia
AGU Fall Meeting 2019
Publication year: 2019

A Flexible Cyberinfrastructure for Integrating Data from Large-scale Ocean Observing Systems and Delivering Online Added-value Services

6. Poster Papers and Abstracts
I. Rodero, R. Bardaji, S. Chiappini, J. Piera, D. Briand, R. Radulescu, J. Gonzalez, M. Sotiropoulou, P. Relvas, T. Carval, H. M. Snaith, C. Fratianni, M. Libes, E. Martinez, R. Thomas, P. Favali, J. Danobeitia
AGU Fall Meeting 2019
Publication year: 2019

Message Broker System Enabling NSF Ocean Observatories Initiative’s Data Gateway

6. Poster Papers and Abstracts
I. Rodero C. Youn M. Parashar
Gateways 2018, Austin, TX, USA. Figshare, poster.
Publication year: 2018

Towards Cross-layer Power and Resilience Management

6. Poster Papers and Abstracts
M. Gamell, I. Rodero, K. Teranishi, M. Parashar
Workshop on Modeling & Simulation of Systems and Applications (ModSim’15), Seattle, WA
Publication year: 2015

Exploring Energy-Performance-Quality Tradeoffs of AMR Applications in Power-Constrained Systems

6. Poster Papers and Abstracts
Y. Qin, I. Rodero, M. Gamell, M. Parashar
Workshop on Modeling & Simulation of Systems and Applications (ModSim’15), Seattle, WA
Publication year: 2015

Federated Computing for the Masses-Aggregating Resources to Tackle Large-Scale Engineering Problems

6. Poster Papers and Abstracts
J. Diaz-Montes, B. Ganapathysubramanian, M. Parashar, I. Rodero, Y. Xie, J. Zola
ACM/IEEE International Conference for High Performance Computing, Networking, Storage and Analysis (SC’13), Denver, CO
Publication year: 2013